Sunday, August 5, 2018

Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan


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Title: Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan
Received: Library
Rating: DNF at page 75 of 400

This book seemed like something I would enjoy, as it seemed to fall into the psychological thriller/courtroom drama category, which I usually like. How great is the cover? It is just the right amount of creepy.  So why the DNF? I honestly think it was a pacing issue and a content issue that apparently I missed when checking out this book. Here's a list of things that just didn't quite work for me: 

1. The shifting POV/narrators. This is a tricky technique, and if done right, it builds tension and mystery. In this book, I felt like it slowed the pacing.

2. A lot of this book centers around British politics/law, and I think that may have been part of my issue. I'm sure there were references that I didn't understand. It did make me want to learn more about British politics, so that is a positive. 

3. I didn't realize when I selected this book that some of the content in the book is darker than I normally read. If I had realized that, I wouldn't have picked it up. 

I think this book would work well for others, but it just wasn't for me. There were no obvious problems with the book in terms of writing/editing. It just didn't work for my book taste.  


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